For a world where we interact with products, brands and experiences with joy and respect.

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Brand Strategy
Identity Systems
Object Studio is devoted to understanding. Our approach is both exploratory and grounded—defining practical objectives, infusing them with your ideas, and forging results through an empathetic, transparent and collaborative process.

We hold a couple of ideas as truths:
1. We learn more when we assume less.

Through a robust discovery (typically a combination of interviews, workshops, documentation and testing) Object remains receptive to the needs of users and project partners alike. This is central at the outset of our relationships and is imbued at every stage, by maintaining a healthy critique at every stage, and a willingness to adapt based on new information, understanding or need.
2. Expertise looks like empathy.

Communication design is experienced by everyone—giving everyone the right to respond to communication design. One doesn't need to be able to craft a logomark or capture an iconic photograph in order to provide insightful contributions to the process. The expertise we provide is an ability to hold all inputs as ingredients, then rebuild in various proportion to craft inspiring and beautiful experiences.